July 29, 2010
July 11, 2010
留给我们的应该不只是背影 】
曾经在那里看过这段话,让我影响很深刻。昨天: 10/07/2010是老爸的50岁大寿。虽然没什么隆重,但是相信我们这几个孩子的心意有如富士山还高,大平洋还深吧。而我也想至上我最深的祝福:我希望老爸可以健康快乐。我可以牺牲掉我生日的愿望也要换上给你们的深深祝福,永远的健康快乐。我宁愿对上天祈祷,好让祂对你们的眷顾。 我更加希望上天会特别的眷恋你和老娘。希望祂能赐你们健康。
其实你们的健康是我们最大的快乐来源。如果说一份快乐可以用钱来衡量,那么健健康康的你,价钱应该是天文数字吧。老爸,请你要好好照顾自己,不要再弄伤了。才刚动完手术的你,一定要比平时小心。脚步比人家慢一点没关系, 目的地比人家远没关系,需要比较长时间没关系。早一步,迟一步,都是那一步。没什么差别!!!
Event1: 09/07/2010晚上带老爸去Glen Waverly喝咖啡,不是喝茶!!!(咖啡比较高级点)。哈哈哈。这家也是老爸蛮喜欢的一家咖啡厅。几乎每次说到喝咖啡,都会来这家。当然大家全体出动。看老爸也是玩的蛮开心的。当天我和TERRY哥哥买了个BLUE LABLE给他,叫他好好收着,等哥哥结婚再拿出来喝。哈哈!!

Event 2:今天带老爸去CITY逛逛和吃他最爱的越南粉-“成龙面”-强力推荐。过后就在那里逛了一下,拍拍照。发现老爸蛮喜欢拍照的。每次叫他拍是,他终说不要不要,然后相机一出,他就已经摆好Pose了。哈哈。或是他会特别的强调那个地方很美。这时我们都知道他要拍照了。哈哈哈。虽然说是带老爸来逛街,但是收获最多的就是阿欣和老娘。 当然老娘买衣服也是有一个pattern.假设我们选衣服给她试了过后,她有开口就是不要了。如果她静静或问好看吗,那就是喜欢那件衣服。或是她不喜欢的她不屑试。哈哈哈
July 3, 2010
Our Strength grows out of our weakness
A ship in port is safe, but this is not what ships are built for - Grace Hopper
Just found this very good phrase when I was hunting for a worth-reading aticles. "The chicken soup of the soul" which was once my favourite book when in high school. The moments when half of the classmates were reading these books when teachers were giving lectures in front of the class and unfortunately a friend of mine was caught and was given a piece of scold by our English teacher came falshing back in my memories. And the whole class was burst into laughter when the teacher said "Oh XXX reading chicken soup in my class. Chicken soup 'somemore' Wait I'll slaughter you!!! Reading Happily AR!!!"
Just wanted to share the essence from one of the articles from "The Chicken Soup" which tells that strength grows out of our weakness. I think it makes sense. The author tried to illustrate from her childhood memory where a neighbour of him taught him never watered new plats and the reason was "If you watered them, each successive tree generation will grow weaker and weaker". He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots, and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots in search for moisture.
Apply this interesting theory to life, instead of asking Lord to spare us from hardship, it makes more sense if we could ask him to spare us with stronger root. Because life is tough, whether we want it to be or not. Everyone of us are going to encounter hardship in our journey so let's pray that we wouldn't be naive. Ther's always a cold wind blowing somewhere. "Only the roots which grow deep can draw srength from the hidden sources of the eternal God"
Too many times we pray for ease, but that's a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won't be swept asunder. Simple theory but is applicable to all of us.
July 1, 2010
COunt Down
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