November 19, 2010


Finally after weeks and weeks of hard core, I had come to my spring day!!!

28/10/2010 - International Finance

10/11/2010 - Property Investment

12/11/2010 - Advanced Financial Accounting

17/11/2010 - Data modeling

Hopefully I can say goodbye to Monash by this 3rd of Dec and I swear i will make a good ending on the Monash journey throughout the way it led me to the person I am today. But that's all to be done after 3rd of Dec.

As day flies by, I was getting more confused yet and I don't know exactly how to explain but my mind is in a mess. Somehow I wish I could arrange all my plans and thoughts and lay out the gazillions of options. I just don't want to put a foot wrong in any of my decisions and there's no U-Turn in life. People always says "Once you are graduated, you are unemployed". Leaving Uni without any plans or directions is pretty worrying. But I might continue with my CPA on the second semester next year leaving one semester gap for me to question myself the way I was looking forward.

YES, but before I take a further thought on my career, I need to score 4 Sevens in my IELTS. Hopefully the LORD is with me. Cheers.

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